Debra Marquart

Readings & Performances

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Readings & Performances


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January 10 - 15: Stonecoast Low-Residency MFA Program, Winter Residency, University of Southern Maine, Freeport, ME.

January 20:  River Styx Reading Series, Tavern of the Fine Arts, St. Louis, MO.
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February 7: MFA Program in Creative Writing & Environment, Iowa State University.   Faculty Reading with Mary Swander.  Orange Gentleman, Ames, IA. 

February 17:  St. Aquinas College, Reading Series.  Grand Rapids, MI

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March 3:  Poetry Out Loud State Finals, North Dakota Council on the Arts, Bismarck, ND.   
March 22:  North Dakota Storyteller's Conference, North Dakota Council on the Humanities, Bismarck, ND.

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July 11 - 21:  Stonecoast Low-Residency MFA Program, Summer Residency.  University of Southern Maine, Brunswick, ME.

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Updated 1/25/14